Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Tutorial Tuesday: Baby Headbands

Come one Come all to TUTORIAL TUESDAY! 

I had planed great and marvellous things for you today,,,, But then I got brain blocked. It seemed that my brain decided that it had put in enough time today and took a nap. I did however put a simple tutorial on how to make baby headbands today!! :) yay I over came my brain on break and made something all the same! (quite happy about it too!)

Now I've made quite a few headbands in my time, both for my baby as well as for myself. Today we will be attacking the knotted head band. 

What you'll need:
A warm beverage of your choice (I chose tea) 
Some left over t-shirt material
And what ever thread you like 

(now it is very possible to do this without sewing, but you'd need either iron on hemming tape or hot glue gun, I chose to use needle and thread because it's quite easy todo and you don't have to be perfect on this project)

First you need to cut your material into a long rectangle. I did 1 1/2 head circumferences of your babys head worth. Make sure it's about 3 inches wide, I made mine 4 inches wide because I wanted mine extra thick. What you will do next is.... sew the edges together. 

I did a simple blanket stitch really quickly up the edge. You can take your time, use hot glue gun, sewing machine, or hemming tape. I was in a sewing mood so I did the blanket stitch. After you run up the edge you need to turn it inside out. 

Once you have turned it inside out you can tie it together. Don't knot it, you just need to tie it once, and then tuck in the edges. As your tucking in the edges, you need to sew it into place (or glue). I used a simple "invisible" stitch to secure it. Because of the material I used, it is a little noticeable where I placed the stitched it. 

By the end of it, you should have something like this. I've used this pattern/technique for my headbands as well as my baby's. It looks amazing with stretchy lace ! You can use any type of stretchy materials. My favorite two are t-shirt and stretchy lace. I hope that you all will like this tutorial. Later on I hope to add more images of other headbands I have made using this technique. I don't know exactly how long this would have taken to make.... if I was super focused and working full speed. I was watching a tv show, I started at the beginning, and finished at the end of the episode. Of course I wasn't paying full attention to the headband making, stoping constantly. So ..... I'm guessing that if I was focused... then 15 minutes max! 

Hope you all liked this post.. 
Can't wait until next Tutorial Tuesday!

Happy Tuesday Everybody! 

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